Python IMAP list response, listing mailboxes, mailbox status, selecting_mailbox, searching messages, search criteria, fetching messages, whole messages, uploading messages, moving and copying messages, deleting messages, delete mailbox,search with uid

import imaplib
import re
import email
import time
import email.message

from imap_conf import open_connection

list_response_pattern = re.compile(r'\((?P<flags>.*?)\) "(?P<delimiter>.*)" (?P<name>.*)')

# print "list_response_pattern :", list_response_pattern

def parse_list_response(line):
    flags, delimiter, mailbox_name = list_response_pattern.match(line).groups()
    mailbox_name = mailbox_name.strip('"')
    return (flags, delimiter, mailbox_name)

# Listing mailboxes
def listing_mailboxes():
    resp, data = c.list()
    # IMAP instance
    print "\nIMAP4_SSL instance :", c
    # First parameter of the c.list()
    print '\nResponse code:', resp
    # Second parameter of the c.list()
    print "\nmailboxes available for an account :", data
    # Get the status
    for line in data:
        print '\nServer response:', line
        #  call for flags, delimiter, mailbox_name
        flags, delimiter, mailbox_name = parse_list_response(line)
        print 'Parsed response:', (flags, delimiter, mailbox_name)

# list status with mailboxname
def mailbox_status():
    resp, data = c.list()
    print "\n"
    for line in data:
        #  call for flags, delimiter, mailbox_name
        flags, delimiter, mailbox_name = parse_list_response(line)
        print c.status(mailbox_name, '(MESSAGES RECENT UIDNEXT UIDVALIDITY UNSEEN)')

# Selecting mailboxes
def selecting_mailbox():
    # Select Inbox
    typ, data ='INBOX')
    num_msgs = int(data[0])
    print 'There are %d messages in INBOX' % num_msgs
    # if mailbox is not specified
    typ, data ='Does Not Exist')
    print typ, data

# Searching for Messages
def searching_messages():
    typ, mailbox_data = c.list()
    for line in mailbox_data:
        flags, delimiter, mailbox_name = parse_list_response(line), readonly=True)
        typ, msg_ids =, 'ALL')
        print mailbox_name, typ, msg_ids

# check for search criteria
def search_criteria():
    typ, mailbox_data = c.list()
    for line in mailbox_data:
        flags, delimiter, mailbox_name = parse_list_response(line), readonly=True)
        # Search for mail with subject m
        typ, msg_ids =, '(SUBJECT "m")')
        # Search for mail with from contain "s" and subject contain "m"
        # typ, msg_ids =, '(FROM "s" SUBJECT "m")')
        print mailbox_name, typ, msg_ids

# feaching content from inbox and display it.
def fetching_messages():'INBOX', readonly=True)
    print 'HEADER:'
    typ, msg_data = c.fetch('1', '(BODY.PEEK[HEADER])')
    for response_part in msg_data:
        if isinstance(response_part, tuple):
            print response_part[1]
    print 'BODY TEXT:'
    typ, msg_data = c.fetch('1', '(BODY.PEEK[TEXT])')
    for response_part in msg_data:
        if isinstance(response_part, tuple):
            print response_part[1]

    print '\nFLAGS:'
    typ, msg_data = c.fetch('1', '(FLAGS)')
    for response_part in msg_data:
        print response_part
        print imaplib.ParseFlags(response_part)

# Retrieve the entire message as an RFC 2822 formatted mail message
def whole_messages():'INBOX', readonly=True)
    typ, msg_data = c.fetch('1', '(RFC822)')
    for response_part in msg_data:
        if isinstance(response_part, tuple):
            msg = email.message_from_string(response_part[1])
            for header in [ 'subject', 'to', 'from' ]:
                print '%-8s: %s' % (header.upper(), msg[header])

# To add a new message to a mailbox
def uploading_messages():
    new_message = email.message.Message()
    new_message['Subject'] = 'subject goes here'
    new_message['From'] = ''
    new_message['To'] = ''
    new_message.set_payload('This is the body of the message.\n')

    print new_message

    c.append('INBOX', '', imaplib.Time2Internaldate(time.time()), str(new_message))'INBOX')
    typ, [msg_ids] =, 'ALL')
    for num in msg_ids.split():
        typ, msg_data = c.fetch(num, '(BODY.PEEK[HEADER])')
        for response_part in msg_data:
            if isinstance(response_part, tuple):
                print '\n%s:' % num
                print response_part[1]

# moving_and_copying_messages
def moving_and_copying_messages():
    # Find the "SEEN" messages in INBOX'INBOX')
    typ, [response] =, 'UNSEEN')
    if typ != 'OK':
        raise RuntimeError(response)
    # Create a new mailbox, "Today"
    msg_ids = ','.join(response.split(' '))
    typ, create_response = c.create('Today')
    print 'CREATED Today:', create_response
    # Please uncomment "c.copy(msg_ids, 'Today')" for coping content from inbox to new mailbox "Today"
    # Copy the messages
    # print 'COPYING:', msg_ids
    # c.copy(msg_ids, 'Today')
    # Look at the results'Today')
    typ, [response] =, 'ALL')
    print 'COPIED:', response

# Delete message from mailbox
def deleting_messages():'Today')

    # What ids are in the mailbox?
    typ, [msg_ids] =, 'ALL')
    print 'Starting messages:', msg_ids
    # # Find the message(s)
    # typ, [msg_ids] =, '(SUBJECT "subject")')
    # msg_ids = ','.join(msg_ids.split(' '))
    # print 'Matching messages:', msg_ids
    # # What are the current flags?
    # typ, response = c.fetch(msg_ids, '(FLAGS)')
    # print 'Flags before:', response
    # # Change the Deleted flag
    # typ, response =, '+FLAGS', r'(\Deleted)')
    # # What are the flags now?
    # typ, response = c.fetch(msg_ids, '(FLAGS)')
    # print 'Flags after:', response
    # # Really delete the message.
    # typ, response = c.expunge()
    # print 'Expunged:', response
    # What ids are left in the mailbox?
    typ, [msg_ids] =, 'ALL')
    print 'Remaining messages:', msg_ids
# To delete mailbox with name
def delete_mailbox():

def search_with_uid():'Today')
    result, data = c.uid('search', None, "ALL")
    print result, data
    # split and get the last UID
    latest_email_uid = data[0].split()[-1]
    print latest_email_uid
    result, data = c.uid('fetch', latest_email_uid, '(RFC822)')
    # print result, data
    raw_email = data[0][1]
    # print raw_email
    email_message = email.message_from_string(raw_email)

    print "To :", email_message['To']
    print "From :", email_message['From']
    print "Subject :", email_message['Subject']
    print "Date :", email_message['Date']

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # main config file calling
    c = open_connection()
        # Method Calling

        # listing_mailboxes()
        # mailbox_status()
        # selecting_mailbox()
        # searching_messages()
        # search_criteria()
        # fetching_messages()
        # whole_messages()
        # uploading_messages()
        # moving_and_copying_messages()
        # deleting_messages()
        # delete_mailbox()
        # c.close()
        print('\nLogout success Goodbye!')


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